For we have this hope as an anchor for the

soul, firm and secure.

( Hebrews 6:19a )



11/8/20241 min read

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 4:23

Above all else, guard your heart,

for it is the wellspring of life.”

Memory Verse: Jeremiah 17:9

The “heart” in biblical parlance is the center of personality, decision making and understanding: the seat of our soul which is made up of our will, intellect and emotion. These three constitute the fabric of our way of life. They define “the issues of life”

As to whether our lives will be well pleasing and acceptable in the sight of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ or not depends on how fruitful our will, intellect and emotion become in terms of meeting God’s standard.

The assignment given to us as children of God is to “guard” our heart. That is, to ensure (i) it does not get corrupted (ii) it produces a pleasing aroma unto God and humanity, making us salt and light of the world.

This we can do when we constantly commune with God, who breaks and remolds us, renews our mind, illuminates our heart and day by day leads us along the path of righteousness.

Making Jesus Christ the Lord of our soul is non-negotiable!

Life Application:

Turn to Jesus Christ this moment. Call unto him and he will answer. Make him the Lord over your soul.


Lord Jesus Christ, come and be the Lord of my soul and let it spring up with that which is well pleasing and acceptable in your sight.